Sahasrara Chakra

The Sanskrit word “Sahasrar” means “thousand”. It is said that this chakra is like a flower with a thousand petals, which correspond to the thousand nerves that end in the limbic area where our chakra Sahasrara is located. Before the awakening of our Kundalini, this centre is like a closed cocoon, covered by the balloon-like structures of our ego and superego. Once our Kundalini passes through our Sahasrara, all these nerves light up and we connect to the power that created us: the power of Divine Love. It is at this point, when the Sahasrara chakra opens, we can experience the ultimate goal of meditation: a rejuvenating state of being called thoughtless awareness. We feel bliss, while our mind is silent and at peace. We overcome confusion and contradiction.

Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being becomes one. This experience is called “self-realization”. Through self-realization we reach a higher dimension. In that moment, duality and separation are overcome and we reach a state of union, the true meaning of “Yoga”. This connection manifests physically as a cool breeze at the top of our head. The essence of Sahasrara is integration: in the “Sahasrara” all Chakras and their qualities are integrated. However, this state of enlightenment is called differently in different traditions: Nirvana, Moksha, second birth, the Kingdom of Heaven. But, after our first experience of self-realization, this state is not permanent. We gradually establish it and expand it through daily meditation practice.

Improving Meditation

Foot Soak

Simple and inexpensive, dipping your feet in salt water is the daily habit you didn’t know you needed. Imagine standing with your feet in the ocean, letting it ease your stress and calm your mind. Fortunately, foot soaking can also be done in the comfort of your home.